Day 49: m e l t i n g

It is good to give God thanks in all things. It’s not only good, but it is God’s will for you and for me.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18  

Have you ever been challenged to have a heart of gratitude in the midst of  dreary weather?  Isn’t our first response to complain about it? It’s dark.  It’s cold. It’s raining. It’s MISERABLE out! What else do we have to say? Sure, for some, it is merely stating facts, but for others, like myself, I believe there is more involved.

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity. Proverbs 21:23

Complaining about the weather may not seem like a big deal.  However, would  you agree that what we say first thing sets the tone for the rest of the day? If you see the day as BAD simply because of the weather, well then your day will most likely reflect that. If you can give thanks for the day, regardless of the weather and even thank Him FOR the weather, then that sets up a whole other scenario.

I was tempted to complain about the weather today. VERY TEMPTED. But this is the day that the Lord has made! I decided to rejoice and be glad in it. I decided to praise the One who created it and thank Him for everything about it.

Thank You Lord for this day.

Thank You Lord for the cold, rain.

Thank You Lord for the wind.

Thank You Lord for the clouds.

Thank You Lord for the water You have provided.

Thank You Lord for the snow is MELTING.

Thank You Lord because You have given me the air I breathe.

Thank You Lord for LIFE.

This list is limitless when we choose to thank God in every thing. EVERY THING. Not just some things. EVERY THING!

May we guard our tongue and choose to speak praises of thanksgiving in every thing. May our hearts be full of gratitude. May our eyes behold the glory of our God every day in every thing. THANK YOU LORD!!!